The 2017 PITP logo
In first place.. Eleanor Moody
Having asked for designs for the 2017 Picnic in the Park logo we were over whelmed by the response. It is great to see so much talent in the village, however it did make the job of judging all the entries VERY difficult.
The judges deliberated long and hard. What captures the spirit of the Picnic? Can it work as a logo? The entries were many and varied, however after much discussion, the judges decided that Eleanor’s design was the winner (aged 10). It was felt that it was a joyous celebration of a picnic – it is colourful and has all the necessary elements – blanket, basket, dog – and it worked well as a logo. We hope you agree that it is a worthy winner. Well done Eleanor!

Winner of the PITP 2017 Logo Design Competition – Eleanor Moody, aged 10
And in second place.. Emily Robins
Coming a VERY close second was Emily Robins (also 10) with her lovely pastel design – we’ve never had sparkles and glitter before. Evie, with her delightful rainbow design, came in an equally close third.
We hope all the entries will be on display at the Picnic on 28th May. Eleanor will be with us at 12 noon to open the Picnic – we hope you will be too!

Runner up design in the logo competition

Emily Robins in 2nd place

In 3rd place.. Evie Wise