We are delighted to announce that the annual Picnic in the Park is to move to Saturday 9th of May to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  With the official Bank Holiday moved to  Friday 8th May, the actual anniversary, there are already celebrations being organised nationally and locally across the whole weekend.

We thought it would be fitting for our community Picnic to be a celebration of VE Day, and to remember and honour those that fought for our freedom.

The Cricket Club is available and will host the evening activities as usual.

We are planning a theme around VE Day to make this Picnic one to really remember!

But we need your help.  We need your ideas on the following:

  • Which local organisations would be particularly appropriate to help us commemorate?
  • Are there entertainers that could help with an act around this theme/anniversary?
  • How can we really honour those that took part in VE Day on our family day in the Meadows?


Have you got any ideas or suggestions?

Please send all your ideas, thoughts and suggestions to alvechurchpitp@gmail.com

There will be a public meeting later in the year so like our FB page, or subscribe to our website updates, to get the latest news first.

Want to be part of the team?

If you would like to be part of the organising team we would LOVE to hear from you. We only meet once a month and it is normally with a drink or two..

Let’s make this the best community Picnic ever!

The Picnic Team